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Rapid Evolution

Balancing the leadership tensions to stay ahead of the curve

Rapid growth and transformation are essential for ay organisation to thrive in a VUCA context. Unfortunately, only a few companies manage to achieve it. Only 11% of companies that were in the Fortune 500 in 1955 remain in it. The majority have either gone bankrupt, merged with (or were acquired by) another firm, or still exist but have fallen off the list. The truth is, most companies get stuck, or worse, fail.

But there's good news. The majority of the reasons for getting stuck are under your leaders' control. In this new eBook, our research into the theory of rapid evolution, or achieving growth over and above the rest of the market has identified five tensions which, when balanced correctly, can unlock growth and prevent your organisation's stagnation, or worse, decline.

Download our latest eBook to learn how to empower your organisation to evolve and deliver rapid and sustainable growth.



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